Exclusive, Private Virtual Assistance Forum to Host First Ever Public Open House
Released on: June 3, 2008, 6:57 pm
Press Release Author: Virtual Assistant Revolution
Industry: Small Business
Press Release Summary: The Virtual Assistant Revolution opens its doors to the public for the first time for a virtual Open House happening on June 10th at 9pm EST.
Press Release Body: (VARevolution.com) June 3, 2008 - Virtual assistance is alive and well. As thousands of VAs around the globe work tirelessly to promote their trade, it's not only business owners that are seeing the benefits of virtual assistance. Upon discovering this alternative way to make a living in admin assistance, many office professionals are opting to join the VA ranks themselves.
Going virtual is often accompanied by a sense of isolation. This is where industry forums become invaluable to virtual professionals. There are several popular virtual assistant forums to choose from, each offering something different. One of the "alternative" or "out-of-the-box" ones is the Virtual Assistant Revolution (www.VARevolution.com) or "The Rev' as it's affectionately known by it's members. The forum's founders, Becki Noles co-owner of Virtual Accuracy (http://www.virtualaccuracy.com) and Heather Jacobson of Valley Virtual Assistants (http://www.heatherjacobson.com) are offering VAs an unprecedented peek inside their exclusive forum, which is well hidden from search engine spiders. The open house takes place at 9pm EST on June 10th in the Revolution's sophisticated web conference room. On that evening, prospective members will be given the opportunity to mingle with existing members while getting a feel for the community. There will be speakers, invaluable networking and draws for great prizes.
The Virtual Assistant Revolution is dramatically different from the other industry forums. It was developed by virtual assistants for virtual assistants as a private mentoring forum. Members of the Revolution are encouraged to be open and honest. The discussion is 'no-holds barred' and if a virtual assistant is not serious about growing their business, or can't take constructive criticism, this is not the group for them.
"At the recent OIVAC (Online International Virtual Assistants Convention), we had a lot of interest in our virtual booth," states co-owner Becki Noles. "When we saw how thirsty VAs are for something different, we started thinking about other ways to educate mass numbers of VAs at once about the huge benefits to being Rev members. That's when we got the idea for a virtual open house. It will give us a chance to acquaint potential members with current members and see what their monthly membership will get them."
The pool of prizes being drawn for at the open house is impressive and includes ebooks, gift cards, blog customization, coaching, and even a one-year membership to the Virtual Assistant Revolution. Anyone that RSVP's receives a ticket for the draws, but the winner must be present to win.
"Members of 'The Rev' are the cream of the VA crop," states co-founder Heather Jacobson. "Because our forum has a monthly fee, we only get the VAs that are very serious about the growth and success of their businesses. We don't get "fly-by-nighters" thinking this is a get rich quick thing. Our members are passionate about the industry and their businesses."
To learn more about the Virtual Assistant Revolution, the open house and membership benefits, visit the website: http://www.VirtualAssistantRevolution.com.
Contact: Becki Noles or Heather Jacobson info@virtualassistantrevolution.com 540-904-2505 717-914-1499 www.VirtualAssistantRevolution.com ###
Web Site: http://www.VirtualAssistantRevolution.com
Contact Details: Becki Noles or Heather Jacobson info@virtualassistantrevolution.com 540-904-2505 717-914-1499
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